Pencil Drawing Workshop

Free Workshop

Saturday 30th April 2022

Mudjimba Community Hall, 41 Cottonwood Street,
Mudjimba  4564

12.30 pm to 4.30 pm

Always wanted to draw? – here is an opportunity to learn in a Free Drawing Workshop for
beginners led by an experienced local artist John N Mason. You will be taught basic pencil drawing techniques that many illustrators use. In this 4-hour hands-on workshop, you will be using only pencils, not charcoal, chalks, or pastels. You must be over 16 years of age and reservations are essential. The workshop will be 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm on Saturday 30th April 2022 at Mudjimba Community Hall.

24 people had fun and discovered that
they can draw after all.


Pencil choices
Paper choices
Learn how to layout a drawing
Getting the shapes right
Getting Measurements right
The importance of negative spaces
Pencil Shading
Simple composition
Simple perspective

Materials used

4B pencil 2H Pencil 6B pencil
A3 Drawing Pad 150gsm
Plastic Eraser
Pencil Sharpener
Craft Knife
12” (30cm) plastic ruler
Large Soft brush

Pencil Drawing